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Friday, 11 May 2012

#8 - Tumbler

Katie had a fall this morning, I was at work and she was rushing around at home trying to get ready for work when she fell down the last half of stairs and landed on her side. Ouch. She was having pains so I told her to contact the midwife and sent my mum round.

Apparently she's okay, she went to see the midwife who checked the babies heartbeat and everything is okay, but she was abit worried. She took the day off work today, I told her to rest and apparently so did the midwife. She keeps apologising and saying we're "losing money" when she's has days off...

But she's WORKING, and most pregnant women I've known didn't or aren't... I don't expect her to work or anything, the fact that she does just makes things easier. I feel like I've guilted her into having to work or something.

Just glad she's okay, she needs to be more careful and stop running up & down those stairs!!

Figured I should write about it here.

Rest Katie. - Mike

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