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Sunday, 30 September 2012

#18 I'm a Dad! Amelia Evelyn Lawrence

I'm sorry I've not had time to write up an entry on here for quite some time, but I just wanted to fill anyone in who might still read this. I'm a dad now. Amelia Evelyn Lawrence was born 10th September 2012 and weighed 7lbs 10oz.

She is very beautiful.

Katie did very well during labour, it was all textbook. Everything went perfect, no complications and after a day full of exhaustion she managed to give birth to Amelia naturally.

Amelia was born with a cleft in her soft palate, at the back of her mouth. This leaves a gap into her nasal passage that prevents her from being able to suck properly. It takes a special bottle and plenty of patience to feed Amelia but Katie has become an expert at it already. She will need an operation at around 6 months, but she is taking just as much milk as any baby her age and you wouldn't notice the difference unless you were told about it.

I can't explain the feeling of being a dad, but I can tell you it's my favorite feeling in the world. It's tough, believe me it's tough, being a parent is something else entirely! But the good things definitely outweigh everything else.

I could not be more proud of Katie and how well she is coping!

I have a family now. WE have a family.

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