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Tuesday, 24 April 2012

#6 - 20 Weeks. Ultrasound Scan. It's a girl!!

We went to the hospital today for Katie's 20 week ultrasound scan.

Our very healthy baby Girl, 20 weeks today! - 24/04/12 - Click for full size!

I am pleased to say that there is a big and healthy baby girl resting inside of Katie as we speak. I am so happy I can't even begin to explain. We even saw the baby yawn while it was on the screen and it made me yawn too! How odd is that? The woman who did the scan told us that it's never 100% and we can't be completely sure that she's a girl, but the odds are in her favour.

We had an excellent time in London over the weekend, I even got to see the Dinosaur bones in the National History Museum, which is something I've always wanted to do. It was awesome.

I met lots of katie's family and apparently they all liked me, which was great. We're just feeling better about everything after having a little break. As we were talking about getting another dog, I've had words with a friend about making the back yard husky proof to see how much it would cost.
Misa was so excited to see katie, they just don't leave eachothers side for long! It was abit hard on them both.

But anyway: I don't want to steal our baby's thunder, so I'll say it here again just to make sure you got it:

It's a girl!!

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

#5 - Was that a KICK!?

I put my hand on Katie's tummy last night expecting once again to feel absoloutely nothing, and i felt the slightest little flicker of movement in there and I know she felt it at the same time because her eyes widened just as I felt it. So I felt my baby move for the first time last night, which certainly is something. It took my breath away!

I usually work 1pm - 9pm, but today I'm doing 9am - 5pm so I can pack things tonight for London. Katie is dead excited to take me sight-seeing and "show me off" to her family. I can't wait to go because it's going to make her really happy, & I get to have a break from work!

This is going to be good for the both of us.

We've been looking into getting another Dog one day & we're looking into the possibility of adopting a Siberian Husky. An animal like that takes alot of looking after, but that does not phase me whatsoever, they are beautiful, smart & can make the best of pets.

Thanks to all the people at for all their help. I would say to anyone who was looking into getting a Husky, to visit this website first. Join the forum, ask many many questions, read up and learn about the breed before jumping into getting one just because they are beautiful. A husky is a massive responsibility, they demand alot of attention and respect. Don't just jump into it, too many people make that mistake. I hope I'm not one of those people and that in getting one I never regret it. Only time will tell, we're just planning for the future.

Thanks for reading! - Mike

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

#4 - 19 Weeks

As of this morning Katie is officially 19 weeks! 1 week to go until her next ultrasound scan. Then we'll be able to find out wether it's a boy or a girl, & check to make sure everythings okay. Little has happened since my last blog except Katie has gone back to work after feeling ill, but we soon have a week off which will benefit is both. We're going to see Katie's family and friends in London.

I had a terrible dream last night that Katie had been seeing someone behind my back, and in my dream I went to punch this someone and I'd actually lashed out at Katie in my sleep and hit her in the arm. I felt so guilty!! But I was asleep and it's not like I did it on purpose, but I still felt crap about it. Katie made me feel better about it because she knows I was asleep. That's never happened before though. Maybe I should sleep in a straight jacket or something!?

Anyway... I had too much sleep last night and it's left me feeling ill. I guess "too much sleep" is a term I won't be using in a few months time though. Better enjoy it while I can.

Sunday, 15 April 2012

#3 - Thoughts on Prams and Money

So my sister has offered us the option to buy her pram for a reduced price, (or stroller to you non-english readers) but she claims it's too heavy for her. Katie is smaller than my sister in height and frame in general so I suspect it won't exactly be too easy on her either. I think I'd rather buy one of my own... I've thought about what I'd like to do for the baby, if I can buy something out of the money I've earned for the baby then I think it I'd like to buy a Pram. I want one that's strong but light! But man they do cost alot of money. I also have no idea where to start looking, what makes a good pram? I don't know. Where's the best place to get one? What features should this thing have? I've never even thought about this up until now... It's never before crossed my mind. HELP!

...And suddenly all the things we're going to need to buy start flooding into my head. Though we do have some essentials. We have the cot (crib) and a baby bath... There's alot of stuff we'll need that we don't have. (A CAR would be good too.. I need to pass my driving test, that's something else on my list.)
  • A Car Seat
  • Baby Monitor
  • Clothes, Coats, Hats, Mittens, Shoes
  • Bibs
  • Towels, Flannels, Muslin Squares etc.
  • Bed Sheets
  • Blankets
  • Changing Mat
  • Nappies
  • Creams
  • Lotions
  • Cuddly Toys
  • A Brand New Gaming PC
  • And about five hundred other things...
Oh dear... Bye bye monthly wage. Hello life as a dad! Should I take up my sisters offer?

Another thing I'm going to have to research into is Child Tax Credits and Child Benefits etc. I have no idea what I will be given or what I will get towards our income... I know it won't be much, but it'll help.

Katie keeps telling me she can feel the baby moving alot now and keeps grabbing my hand and putting it there but I can't feel anything. She's only 19 weeks, I assume that's far too early for anyone on the outside to feel anything. ...But what do I know?

Thursday, 12 April 2012

#2 - Eighteen Weeks & Two Days.

The Bump!

Just a quick update showing Katie's bump at 18 weeks and two days. We've been talking about names and we both think Amelia is looking like the best name for a girl, but obviously there's alot of time for minds to change.

Still can't come up with one for a boy though! Oh well, we have alot of time yet.. .I guess. It's all going very fast though.

We've also been discussing the possibility of getting another dog. The idea being that alot of people say having two dogs is better on the first dog when a baby comes. Yes, dogs are alot of work and it'll be alot of work ontop of having a baby, but we both think that it would benefit Misa, and the household, in the long run. We were considering trying to get a 6-12 month old German Shepard that is already house trained, good with children and other pets. This way, Misa would have a friend when we aren't around and will have some company.

It's not a decision we'll make lightly and not something we'll rush into without thinking it through properly. But it's not something we'll just turn away, yes it will be difficult, but it will definitely have its benefits.

Anyway, I'm just rambling on. If you have anything to say about it feel free to leave it in the comments.

Thanks for reading!

- Mike

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

#1 - An Introduction with Names

First of all, I am not a dad yet, but by september I will be!

Katie Bump & Misa
My name is Michael, I live in South Yorkshire, England, with my girlfriend Katie and our dog Misa. We are expecting a baby! It was a surprise, but a very welcome one.

I decided to create a blog to write down all of my thoughts, document our progress and keep some people up to date with things happening now and in the near future. I will try to add a bump picture every week from now on to track how much she is growing, & I will write about things we buy and things we do to prepare for the baby.

...I also have NO idea what I'm doing.

The main baby related thing today has been names. So far we have settled on either Amelia or Alice for a girl, but we can't quite grasp a boys name. Andrew is my middle name and the name of Katie's late father, so we have agreed to give him the same middle name as me, Andrew, if he is a boy. The other name that we are tossing up in the air is Logan but I'm not too convinced that it'll fit. (Katie is also indecisive, she can't settle on, or agree to a boys name at all!)

We have a very busy few weeks ahead of us, the end of April is pretty much full! We have a lot planned, I just hope Katie doesn't get too exhausted from it all. Still, it will be nice to have a week off work. I haven't had a week off since November.

Coming up:
  • Trip to London 19th - 23rd April
  • Katie's Birthday 22nd April
  • Second Ultrasound Scan 24th April
  • The Used Gig - Manchester 25th April (Katie's Birthday Present)
  • House Party 28th April