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Wednesday, 18 April 2012

#5 - Was that a KICK!?

I put my hand on Katie's tummy last night expecting once again to feel absoloutely nothing, and i felt the slightest little flicker of movement in there and I know she felt it at the same time because her eyes widened just as I felt it. So I felt my baby move for the first time last night, which certainly is something. It took my breath away!

I usually work 1pm - 9pm, but today I'm doing 9am - 5pm so I can pack things tonight for London. Katie is dead excited to take me sight-seeing and "show me off" to her family. I can't wait to go because it's going to make her really happy, & I get to have a break from work!

This is going to be good for the both of us.

We've been looking into getting another Dog one day & we're looking into the possibility of adopting a Siberian Husky. An animal like that takes alot of looking after, but that does not phase me whatsoever, they are beautiful, smart & can make the best of pets.

Thanks to all the people at for all their help. I would say to anyone who was looking into getting a Husky, to visit this website first. Join the forum, ask many many questions, read up and learn about the breed before jumping into getting one just because they are beautiful. A husky is a massive responsibility, they demand alot of attention and respect. Don't just jump into it, too many people make that mistake. I hope I'm not one of those people and that in getting one I never regret it. Only time will tell, we're just planning for the future.

Thanks for reading! - Mike

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