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Wednesday, 11 April 2012

#1 - An Introduction with Names

First of all, I am not a dad yet, but by september I will be!

Katie Bump & Misa
My name is Michael, I live in South Yorkshire, England, with my girlfriend Katie and our dog Misa. We are expecting a baby! It was a surprise, but a very welcome one.

I decided to create a blog to write down all of my thoughts, document our progress and keep some people up to date with things happening now and in the near future. I will try to add a bump picture every week from now on to track how much she is growing, & I will write about things we buy and things we do to prepare for the baby.

...I also have NO idea what I'm doing.

The main baby related thing today has been names. So far we have settled on either Amelia or Alice for a girl, but we can't quite grasp a boys name. Andrew is my middle name and the name of Katie's late father, so we have agreed to give him the same middle name as me, Andrew, if he is a boy. The other name that we are tossing up in the air is Logan but I'm not too convinced that it'll fit. (Katie is also indecisive, she can't settle on, or agree to a boys name at all!)

We have a very busy few weeks ahead of us, the end of April is pretty much full! We have a lot planned, I just hope Katie doesn't get too exhausted from it all. Still, it will be nice to have a week off work. I haven't had a week off since November.

Coming up:
  • Trip to London 19th - 23rd April
  • Katie's Birthday 22nd April
  • Second Ultrasound Scan 24th April
  • The Used Gig - Manchester 25th April (Katie's Birthday Present)
  • House Party 28th April

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